Sunday, June 2, 2013

How can I prevent a Core Data database with external files from being backed up?

How can I prevent a Core Data database with external files from being backed up?

We have an app that uses Core Data to store data. Some of the data comes from a server, and is variable sized, and while it's generally small, can also be quite large (a few megabytes). We're using a Binary Data field with "Allows External Storage" enabled to store this data.
Our app was rejected for a Rule 2.23 violation, because we're storing data that we could re-download from the server and not marking it as to be excluded from backups.
Okay, fair enough, so I want to mark our database to be exclude from backup. Marking the database itself is easy enough:
    BOOL succ = [storeURL setResourceValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey error:&error];
    if (!succ) {
        NSLog(@"Error setting %@ to be excluded from backups: %@", storeURL, error);
But this only covers the SQLite file itself. When Core Data stores external files, it stores them in a separate directory:
.../Private Documents/MyDatabase.sqlite
.../Private Documents/.MyDatabase_SUPPORT/_EXTERNAL_DATA/(files here)
I need to flag the externally-stored files as not-for-backup. I could set NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey on the .MyDatabase_SUPPORT folder, but I don't see any supported way to get the name of this folder.
I could just build it myself, but I don't like depending on this implementation detail. Is there any supported way to find out where Core Data is storing the external files for a database?